Name: |
Mailing Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip Code: |
Email address: |
Phone #: |
Are you at least 18 years of age: |
Emergency contact and relationship: |
Work reference: |
Personal reference: |
What kind of food service experience do you have?: |
Do you have any large scale catering or concession experience?: |
Why do you feel we should accept you as a volunteer?: |
What is your favorite day of the year and why?: |
What festivals do you want to attend: We are currently planning on being at Sweetwater 420, Aiken Bluegrass, French Broad River Fest, Del Fest, Wakarusa, Thunder on the Mountain, Bonnaroo, Camp Bisco, Forecastle, Floyd Festival, High Sierra, Harvest Fest (Ozark). There will be more but this is a good start.
Essay: Please pick on of the following topics to discuss: 1. Why would the world be a safer place if Iran has nuclear weapons? 2. Global warming has the potential for a great economic boom for some nations. Please pick one of the nations and explain why. 3. Pick your favorite element on the periodic table and explain why it is your favorite (Oxygen not included). 4. Attempt to explain Obamacare in terms that someone might actually understand. 5. Gun control, go ahead make my day. 6. Kirk or Picard, and why? DISCLAIMER!!! These essays are intended to have applicants think outside of their normal opinions. We are looking at the way you form your opinion and make your argument in these essays and not judging you on your opinion itself. We do not expect all of you to agree with the opinion you are arguing and our hiring decisions will not be based upon these arguments. Have fun.